Dance Battle

The world of Dance Battle is an exciting one indeed, and luckily you are on the right site to find similar games on a daily basis. Visit and have your fill of fun! Play Dance Battle, one of our best skill games!

Let your inner dancer shine on and conquer the virtual dance floor in the high-energy experience of Dance Battle. Dance Battle provides you with a stage to showcase your rhythm and style, with a wide array of fun and diverse selection of music. It's your moment in the spotlight, where every click counts and every move is a chance to dazzle. In Dance Battle, precision and timing are your closest allies. As you groove to the beat, it's essential to time your clicks perfectly to the music. The result? Your character dances in perfect harmony with the singers of each song, creating a spectacular visual performance that will leave you mesmerized.

But that's not the only unique feature of Dance Battle. Your dancer isn't just a set character; they're a canvas for your creativity. The game allows you to personalize and style your dancer, making them the star of every famous track you play. Whether it's the latest pop hits or timeless classic tunes, Dance Battle offers you the chance to let your impeccable timing and flair earn you high scores and recognition.

So, grab your virtual dancing shoes and let the world witness your rhythm in Dance Battle on With a diverse selection of tracks, every dance becomes an opportunity to prove your skills and bask in the limelight. Are you ready to own the dance floor, make your mark, and become the ultimate dancing sensation? It's time to click, groove, and become a star in Dance Battle.

How to play

Press the left mouse button or tap with your finger (if you are playing from a mobile device) on the star from the bottom of the screen when the stars from above overlap with this area.

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  • If you are using a computer use the left mouse button. If not, tap the screen of your smartphone or tablet. More complicated control schemes are explained in-game.

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This game can be played both on PC and mobile devices